What Is the Best Pro-Life Organization to Donate To?

Pro-life organizations are on the front lines fighting for the rights of the unborn, and donating to these organizations is a great way to support life-affirming work in your community and beyond. However, with so many strong pro-life groups seeking your support, how can you know which one to choose? Before you financially commit to … Continued

What Do the WHO Guidelines Say About Human Rights to Sexual Health?

What is sex, and what is sexual health? The definition of sexual health from the World Health Organization is much different than what the Bible says. Here is a comparison of the two and how it relates to abortion and the value of life.  Sexual Health According to WHO  According to WHO (the World Health … Continued

10 Reasons to Donate to a Pro-life Charity

It’s a great time to donate to the pro-life movement. Donations are the backbone of all pro-life organizations. Without you, they cannot run and support women, men, and babies as they do daily. There are multiple pro-life charities to give to now, nationally, internationally, and in your local area. A great way to begin is … Continued

What Are the Abortion Trends in Ireland?

Abortion was made illegal in the Republic of Ireland in 1861, and for a long time, the nation maintained stringent protection for preborn children. However, in May 2018, Irish citizens voted to repeal the 8th amendment, allowing abortion through the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Today, pro-abortion advocates are working to increase access to abortion, … Continued

What Are the Different Types of Preborn Disabilities?

Preborn disabilities can be obvious or unseen. Some types of birth defects and abnormalities may be detected before birth, while others may not be discovered until a child is several years old. No matter what, each life matters to God. What Are Preborn Disabilities? Some preborn disabilities can be detected before a baby is born. … Continued

What Are the Abortion Trends in Australia?

Abortion is legal in Australia, although abortion laws vary by state and territory. In 2021, states made headlines by passing pro-abortion laws and decreasing the legal protection of preborn children.  Australians are concerned about the number of abortions increasing due to prenatal testing. Equipping life-affirming leaders in Australia is more important now than ever. What … Continued

Abortion Law Around the World

A worldview is a powerful concept because the collection of values that make up an individual’s worldview is the foundation of nearly every individual’s belief. When individuals live and operate together, they begin to share common values. Those shared values shape the values of communities, countries, and even continents. There are clear variations of values … Continued

What is the Sanctity of Human Life?

What could possibly be more valuable than life itself? God, our Creator and Sustainer, sequentially created the world with detail and intention. All of His creation is labeled as “good”, and humanity was granted dominion over his creation (Gen 1:28-30). From the beginning of time, God has deemed human life to be valuable, powerful, and … Continued

What Are the Abortion Trends in Africa?

The pregnancy rates in Sub-Saharan Africa are the highest of any region in the world. Pregnancies average 281 of every 1000 women per year. As followers of Christ, we are called to be protectors of devalued lives. Worldwide, preborn lives are continually devalued.  In a continent with incredibly high pregnancy rates, it is imperative for … Continued

What Are the Abortion Trends in Europe?

In a continent as vast and diverse as Europe, abortion laws vary from country to country.  However, most European countries permit abortion at some point during pregnancy, with fluctuations in limitations based on the gestational age of the preborn baby or other exceptions. What Countries in Europe Support Abortion? Most countries in Europe have some … Continued