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Stand for Life

Yes, I stand for Life and Pledge the Following:

Affirmation of Belief

  • I believe in the Sanctity (sacredness) of all Human Life from conception to natural death.
  • I recognize each person as having inherent dignity and worth, irrespective of age, sex, health, function, race, nationality, ethnicity, or condition of dependency.

Commitment to Education

  • I pledge to educate myself and others about pro-life issues including abortion, euthanasia, and other practices that threaten the sanctity (sacredness) of human life.
  • I will seek to understand and compassionately address the circumstances and challenges faced by those considering abortion or euthanasia.

Advocacy and Support

  • I will advocate for laws and policies that protect life at all stages.
  • I commit to supporting organisations and services that provide alternatives to abortion, such as adoption and maternity support.
  • I will offer support or resources to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies, terminal illnesses, or end-of-life decisions.

Community Involvement

  • I will engage with and participate in community efforts that promote the value of life, which may include volunteering, supporting life-affirming initiatives, or praying for those involved in the ministry work.
  • I pledge to foster a culture of life within my community, workplace, and circle of influence.

Personal and Public Witness

  • I will strive to be a witness to the value of life through my actions and words, demonstrating respect for life in all my interactions.
  • I will publicly stand against practices and ideologies that harm or devalue human life.

Prayer and Reflection

  • I will regularly pray for the protection of human life, for those in situations of vulnerability, and for the wisdom and courage of leaders to defend life.
  • I commit to reflecting on my own attitudes and actions to ensure they align with the sanctity of human life.
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The counter below represents the number of abortions occurring while you are reading this page.


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