SOHL Counseling
Available Care Wherever She Is
One of the main reasons women get abortions is because they don’t feel like they have the support they need to become a mom. They feel alone and don’t know about the many resources available to them.
How many lives could be saved if women knew how supported and valued they are? How many babies could be born if we could reach the mother first before she made a life-altering decision with disastrous consequences?
SOHL Care is our solution to the communications and awareness problems that exist within the pro-life movement around the world. It is a complimentary online platform that enables a church or nonprofit organization to reach abortion-minded women and provide online counselling, life-affirming education, support, and referrals to resources in their community.
Our SOHL Care program can include a building culturally-relevant website, website development, hosting, and online chat services. The program might also include phone counselling and education using the Internet or WeChat types of services. In most cases, these additional tools are provided for free.
The SOHL Care program is administered by Choose Life Coalition who will also come alongside churches and ministry leaders with training that equips you to reach her online.
SOHL Global will also provide training that equips staff, church leaders, or volunteers with counselling and life-affirming education skills. As a result, they will be more prepared to effectively leverage the online and outreach resources created by Choose Life Coalition
If you are a church or nonprofit and would like to establish a SOHL Care program in your country, please feel free to reach out to us through the Contact Us form. We’d love to help you save lives and serve abortion- minded women in your community.

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