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The Need


The international data available on abortion rates shed light on the pressing need to support women facing unplanned pregnancies. Women all around the world contemplate abortion in areas with a wide variety of abortion laws and cultural standards. Even in countries where abortion is illegal or medically unavailable, individuals travel to neighboring countries where abortion is accessible.

International figures are difficult to articulate with absolute certainty. However, it is estimated that 32 million abortions are performed each year. Over the last forty years, it is estimated that over 1.6 billion babies have been aborted.

Women facing unexpected pregnancies around the globe face unique circumstances regarding their pregnancy options. In many countries, abortion is widely available. In other countries, abortion is illegal or unavailable. In the areas where there is little access to abortion, many women cross borders to undergo abortion procedures.

An Equipped Community

Many women choose abortion because they feel they have no other option. They’re unaware of the vast number of resources available to them, often in their own community, and choose to abort out of fear and pressure.

Greater communication about and awareness of resources would save many lives around the world because women wouldn’t feel so alone.

Global Life Coalition exists to help equip pregnancy resource centers and other organizations in communities all over the world so women know their options. We provide the communication tools necessary to reach women before they choose abortion.

These include:

  • Website design
  • Chat features on websites
  • Administration of Google advertising grants
  • Digital and print marketing services
  • Connections to partners for training and material resources

Your Role

The world celebrates abortion.

As believers, we are called to not conform to the patterns of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). As our minds are renewed when surrounded by a culture that does not value unborn life, we must choose to lead with love in every circumstance.

We all must play a role in combating abortion around the world. One way to do this is by making sure women know about the support available to them. By supporting the Global Life Coalition, you will help us equip communities across the globe with the communication resources they need to reach women with life-affirming resources and support.

Together, we can save lives from the tragedy and travesty of abortion.

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The counter below represents the number of abortions occurring while you are reading this page.


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